Fast Break Finance

Frequently Asked Questions

Once we’ve received all your details and the information required for your loan application, we will lodge the application for you and can usually get your loan approved in five days.

If you need approval quicker than this, let our brokers know and they will do their best to get you approval when you need it.


The amount you can borrow will depend on your ability to service the loan you are wanting to apply for. With a quick phone consultation, our team can assist in calculating this for you so you know exactly how much you can borrow before you start looking for a home. They will look at things lenders consider including your income, expenses, liabilities and other debts and existing assets.

We can also help you get pre-approval so you have everything ready to go to start making offers on properties.


The amount of deposit you need will depend on the lender and the loan you are taking out. Some lenders will loan up to 95% of the property’s value; however, if you borrow more than 80% of the property’s value, referred to as the Loan to Value Ratio (LVR), you will need to take out Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI).


If you’d like to avoid paying mortgage insurance, you may be able to increase your borrowing capacity with the help of a family member. A family member may put up equity from their home as security for your loan, allowing you to use this to reduce your Loan to Value Ratio.


Home loans are typically between 20 and 30 years.

The lender will charge you a percentage of the remaining loan balance over this period of time at weekly, fortnightly or monthly repayment intervals. This percentage is known as your home loan interest rate.


Yes, you can make additional repayments on your home loan to pay it off sooner and to reduce the amount of interest you pay on the loan. Choosing weekly or fortnightly repayments instead of monthly repayments can also assist in paying off your loan sooner.

An offset account is another way to reduce the amount of interest you pay on your loan.


Once our brokers know how much you’d like to borrow and understand your borrowing capacity, they will let you know what information you need to provide to apply for your loan.

They’ll also find  some finance options for you and when you’ve decided and give us the go ahead, we’ll lodge the application for you and keep you up to date on its progress. Our goal is to save you time and energy by doing the hard work for you.